SoundForm Series
SoundForms are conceived as a
visual representation of forces in movement; happenings like the dynamics of a wave
length, or the irregular, spasmodic line of a seismic graph or cardiogram of an event.
They are a type of visual or concrete poetry. Studies where the representation of
"sounds" convey an intended meaning or effect. The paramount concern is with
making an object to be perceived or felt, rather than easily read.
The influence is the concepts behind the works of the 20thC Concrete Poetry
movement - following on from elements of Eisenstein, Futurism and Dadaism – which
allow for eliminating the requirements of a formal rhythmical unit, eliminating metrical
patterns which are historical poetic modes, and incorporating visual as well as aural
forms, both intangible.
“…when we represent objects, we……reveal the rhythm of forces latent within them.”
Naum Gabo; The Realistic Manifesto